Monday, April 17, 2006


Some times its not very important to answer a question but to ask a question is what is more important. and one such question that comes to my mind at times is: Do I wanna suicide?
Out of the many thousands of human eggs that were produced and millions of sperms that competed for them I was the only sperm who succeded in surviving and getting the reward of achieving the status of a fully grown normal baby. Did this happen by chance or by choice is any bodys guess. But then i was born out of all the odds.
The question that i have raised is not only that do i wanna suicide? but why do i wanna waste my life or may be in other words why do i wanna do it. There are a plenty of answers for this and as many questions can be raised regarding the same. I have tried to solve the puzzle in a very simple way.
This world is full of humans and human resources form the back bone of every society at large, other than humans its left to God to frame the frame work of the society. And someone somewhere told me its only the human that help God to do it too. So its all left to humans at the end of the day to run a society. But then all the people making the society are not homogeneous in there thinking. I have figured out that every other man or women is a different individual in their own rights.
Now, where lies the problem. The problem arises not because we are angry with ourselves but because we as an individual are not able to fit in the society , be in monetarily or otherwise. So when out of 100 people of which we are a company too. We are left alone and we are bound to think that these 99 people are different from us and we dont fit in the society. The only way out of this mess is 'Isolation'. Now 'Isolation' is further divided into two types either we leave the society and live alone or we suicide. There is no place on earth where can live in peace with overselves becasue there are those 99 people always around. Either all of them or a few are always there for our company. So the only way left is to suicide. But then what about the rest 99 are they happy?it is yet another question that has to be answered. The answer is no. But then the question arised why dont they suicide too?. There is always a simple answer to a complex question and the answer is they have come to terms with the fact that this life is too precious to be wasted. but then again why is it precious? the reason is that , Life, is full of mysteries and these mysteries are because of those 99 men out there. And it is meant to be discovered like any other new puzzle games that one plays with when one is young and full of enthusiasm. So if we leave the puzzle in between we shall be proving the fact that we did a wrong choice by choosing an egg at the very first place and that my friends is a diffcult take. Because it all happened by chance not by choice. and when things happen by chance, it means its a free gift. And life in turn is a free gift from God to us, not to be wasted but enjoyed, and enjoyed with those 99 people who are different but yet so similar!
So then, do i wanna do it..... No is my answer, Life is too precious to be wasted! its because I have always believed in the saying of Life: FIND A WAY OR MAKE A WAY.
Everybody should try to remember it and cherish life.
So Please,
(Free gifts are difficult to get.)


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